Résultats de recherche
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- Nos métiers | Targa Aide
Our jobs Knowledge and innovation for development Targa conducts actions whose aim is to contribute to multidisciplinary research-action, produce ideas and knowledge relating to development issues and support development dynamics. Expertise in action research. Experimentation with new approaches and working methods. Capitalization of scientific and methodological achievements by disseminating the results of research obtained from field experiences to enrich reflection and improve action for development. Promotion of basic research and technical, social, strategic and institutional innovations. Reception of researchers and trainees. Facilitation of access to knowledge through the provision of its documentary fund. Support and advice Targa supports development actors by taking part in the implementation of programs and projects, by proposing strategies, approaches and mechanisms mobilized around development issues. Design, assembly and evaluation of institutional development strategies and mechanisms. Establishment of mechanisms for implementing and supporting development policies and innovative projects. Support and strategic advice in targeted areas of development (participatory planning, capacity building, local governance, participatory and sustainable management of natural resources, development of the private sector and the social and solidarity economy, basic infrastructure and community development projects ). Local support and capacity building In order to ensure the sustainability and sustainability of development initiatives, Targa sets up and supports training and skills development programs for the benefit of its employees, partners (State, local authorities, associations, specialized institutions of the Nations- Nations…) and populations by providing training in various fields, in particular: Methodological training: setting up, management, monitoring and evaluation of projects. Technical training: Communal and Geographical Computer System, management of cooperatives, agricultural activities. Technical support to local businesses and local productive activities. Training/awareness: strengthening the role of elected officials and local authority executives, political training in citizen participation.
- Présentation | Targa Aide
Targa HELP, since 1998 Our history The Targa Association is a natural extension of the activity of a group of young research professors who have been working since the early 1980s within the Direction de Développement Rural (DDR) - created by Paul Pascon - at the Hassan II Agronomic and Veterinary Institute (IAV) of Rabat. The militant (and somewhat romantic) commitment of its members has gradually enabled the construction, with the rural population of landlocked areas (Ouneine valley in the High Atlas and the oases of southeastern Mauritania), of a concerted approach for the identification and implementation of small community development projects. The action of this group of researchers was conducted, until the mid-1990s, under the label of the IAV Hassan II, which made it possible to circumvent the vigilance of the State, whose policy with regard to the rural world was oriented , at that time, towards the monitoring and control of any exogenous intervention. However, from the second half of the 1990s, the flexibility enjoyed by the IAV in the conduct of its mission of Research-Action and management of development projects has largely diminished following increasingly strict regulations imposed by the Ministry of Finance. To deal with these constraints, the members of the team decided – with the support of the management of the IAV – to set up an institutional framework of an associative nature. This is how the creation of Targa - Interdisciplinary Association for Development and the Environment - took place in 1998 in accordance with the laws regulating the right of association. Over the years and thanks to its expertise, the diversity of its activities and the development of its management structure, Targa has been increasingly called upon by rural populations, local authorities and local development associations. Since 1998, Targa has traveled a long path of maturity marked by three periods. Community development (1998 – 2000): Targa continued in the same dynamic as that initiated within the IAV Hassan II, in particular the setting up and implementation of community development projects, with the rural populations of the mountain areas (Ouneine in the High Atlas, the of Bni Idder, the commune of Tanaqob, the commune of Tassift in the western Rif). Targa knew how to keep a distance - probably justified - with the administration and the state departments, by participating in projects mainly financed by international cooperation funds (Austrian, Swiss and Spanish cooperation). Rural development (2000-2004): This period is characterized by a major rapprochement between ministerial departments, local authorities and state bodies to promote rural development. Indeed, it is only for about ten years that the strategic planning of rural development has been placed at the center of the concerns of the public authorities in Morocco. Targa has conducted and participated in studies resulting in the definition of certain public policies targeting the rural world, in particular the definition of a new approach to Integrated Rural Development (DRI) projects, particularly for non-irrigated areas. Participatory development planning and capacity building (2004 - present): Following the significant contextual changes that Morocco is experiencing, particularly with the advent of the INDH and the acceleration of the decentralization process, the public authorities have realized the need to adopt a participatory approach to development and introduce conceptual and methodological innovations in their work with populations. Since then, Targa has invested heavily in support and capacity building, strategy, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of public development programs. This period is marked by a partnership between Targa and the Agency for the Promotion and Economic and Social Development of the prefectures and provinces of the North of the Kingdom (APDN) which completes, in 2014, a full decade of fruitful collaboration. Other public operators, such as the General Directorate of Local Authorities, the Agency for the Promotion and Economic and Social Development of the Southern Provinces and the Department of the Environment have also approached Targa for institutional partnerships. Présentation: Articles
- Programme d’établissement Schéma Nationa | Targa-Aide
Context, objectives and principles: As part of supporting local authorities in developing their skills, particularly those relating to inter-municipal cooperation, the Ministry of the Interior has launched an ambitious project to set up a National Scheme for Territorial Cooperation. (SNCT). Indeed, intercommunality is a means that allows local authorities to pool their financial and human resources in order to create and manage local public facilities and services. This project is part of the Municipal Performance Improvement Program (PAPC) in its component no. 21, initiated in collaboration with the World Bank and the French Development Agency with the methodological support of the Paris Region Institute and the competition of the Targa-Aide association. The development of the SNCT aims to define the relevant geographical and functional perimeters of Intermunicipal Cooperation Establishments (ECI) and Groupings of Territorial Communities (GCT) in order to ensure a harmonious and orderly development of its cooperation. To achieve the above-mentioned objective, it was agreed to initially develop 12 Regional Territorial Cooperation Schemes (1 SRCT per Region) and then consolidate the results obtained to set up an SNCT. It should be noted that these diagrams have no prescriptive scope, but are textual and graphic documents put in place by the State, in consultation with local elected officials and decentralized administrations, with the aim of providing guidance. national and regional authorities on the relevant geographical and functional perimeter of territorial cooperation. As a result, it is obvious that the State will support the developments in territorial cooperation that will fall within the vision established by the said plans. The methodological approach for establishing the first regional plan for territorial cooperation: Obtaining a coherent and relevant SRCT is based on respecting a methodological approach based on the following steps: Diagnosis and data collection; Data consolidation; Cartographic representation of data; Analysis of solidarity and relevant perimeters; Consultation with stakeholders. Activities 2021 Production of all the maps necessary for the analysis of territorial cooperation for the Souss-Massa region; Drafting of the methodological note for the realization of the Regional Territorial Cooperation Scheme of Souss-Massa. Upcoming activities 2022 Design of a questionnaire allowing the analysis of existing territorial cooperation; Proposal of Regional Territorial Cooperation Schemes and a National Territorial Cooperation Scheme; Implementation of the data updating system (at Circle scale)
- Programme de mise en œuvre des activités | Targa-Aide
This project to implement economic, social and solidarity activities in the provinces of Figuig, Boulmane, Ouezzane, Khenifra and Sidi Bennour is part of the implementation of the framework agreement signed on February 05, 2021 between the TARGA-AIDE association and the national coordination of the INDH. The purpose of this framework agreement is to support the Provincial Human Development Committees (CPDH) in these provinces for the implementation of Program III of the National Human Development Initiative (INDH). It is a question of supporting and accompanying the work of the Provincial Committee for Economic Development (CPDE) aimed at the economic inclusion of disadvantaged populations, particularly young people and women. This approach is developed through the promotion of the Social and Solidarity Economy and support for value chains while being based on the implementation of approaches to promote the Economy and Local Development at the level of each target province. . Project objectives INDH Program III aims to guarantee post- and pre-creation support for project leaders meeting the eligibility criteria in connection with the previously identified and analyzed value chains. The overall objective is to develop local economic activities with strong potential for growth and development and to contribute to the creation of employment opportunities for young people. To achieve this overall objective, four specific / immediate objectives have been defined, these are: Specific objective n°1: The improvement of the synergy and the convergence of the initiatives of the key actors of the economic development at the provincial level through the reinforcement of the dialogue and the communication, in particular with the local authorities of the INDH and the persons in charge sectoral; Specific objective n°2: The promotion of promising value chains, through a strategic process based on expertise and the involvement of actors; Specific objective n°3: The emergence of economically viable projects in response to the needs of project leaders and the specificities of the territory; Specific objective n°4: Support for the implementation of SSE projects that have been selected and planned. The expected results : Deployment and training of the team. Progress of activities in the provinces: The activities carried out to date in the provinces of Boulemane, Sidi Bennour, Figuig, Ouezzane and Khénifra are as follows: Program kick-off meetings in provincial headquarters and signing of specific implementation contracts; Development of chronograms of activities relating to each province; Meetings to follow up on the recommendations made during the launch workshop; Realization of the field diagnosis which aims to identify income and job generating opportunities and which defines the framework conducive to the emergence of private initiatives in the productive sectors, namely agriculture, agro-food , forest products, crafts, tourism, etc. Meeting with service providers and youth platform managers; Field visit, identification and contact with project leaders; CPDE meetings and identification of needs in terms of working tools and capacity building using a questionnaire designed specifically for this purpose; Launch of sector diagnoses/VCT at the level of the circles, development of SSE questionnaires, visits to the circles, consultation with the departments concerned; Submission of diagnostic deliverables of promising sectors and value chains to the Province. OUTLOOK The year 2021 is coming to an end, giving way to new perspectives, including the development of a roadmap for CPDE capacity building, but also a proposal for an action plan to promote SSE value chains (bottlenecks bottlenecks, objectives, flagship actions, monitoring indicators) and an advocacy strategy for carrying out the flagship actions for value chains. To do this, several field missions across the provinces will be devoted, among other things, to meeting SSE project leaders through the organization of focus groups for exchange and sharing around issues concerning their activities. Several capacity building trainings will also be organized from the beginning of January for members of the CPDE.
- Mission et Valeurs | Targa Aide
Mission and Values Targa's mission and values have been built gradually through different experiences. A true definition of this mission and these values was felt and formulated only late, after an accumulation of successful experiences and failures with the douars and landlocked populations. Our mission Targa's mission is to contribute to the establishment of a dynamic of sustainable development that aims to reduce socio-economic inequalities and consolidate a culture of participatory local democracy. Why this assignment? Part of the delays accumulated by Morocco in terms of human development has its origin in the isolation of the rural world. These delays have neutralized the impact of actions undertaken by the State and civil society and have led to the widening of social disparities between rural and urban areas, one of the main constraints to Morocco's development. Due to its socio-economic situation and its way of life still strongly marked by difficult living conditions and limited access to basic services, the rural world presents local differences and specificities from the point of view of socio-economic dynamics. and policies. Faced with these constraints, the responses generally provided by the various development programs have proved to be inappropriate. The development of the rural world is, therefore, conditioned by the establishment of infrastructures allowing wide access of the populations to quality basic services but also and above all by conditions conducive to the consolidation of a culture of local participatory democracy. which is able to enable rural populations to participate in public life. Faced with this observation, the State has - recently - realized the need to adopt an approach based on the notion of project; which requires the ability to carry out an overall diagnosis of complex situations, define strategic objectives, mobilize resources and implement monitoring and evaluation processes. Thus, by supporting the State and local authorities in carrying out their programs, Targa aspires to contribute to the promotion - at the institutional and regulatory level - of an integrated public development policy. Targa brings its added value by contributing to building solutions, setting up mechanisms and new ways of managing local life involving a transformation of the functioning of institutions. Our values Ethics Excellency Criticism and self-criticism These values are reflected in the ten-year strategic vision of the Association: “TARGA, an interdisciplinary association, is a school of values and excellence at the service of development and innovation, faithful to a humanist and critical heritage”
- Croissance de l'agriculture intensive en | Targa-Aide
Morocco and India have embarked on similar models of agricultural development. These models are based on intensive water use and the transfer of this water from low value-added food crops to high-value export crops and the extension of irrigation boundaries. These water transfers are strongly encouraged by both governments through grants and other types of support and are part of a green growth model that is rooted in the belief that sustainability, which manifests itself most visibly through the use of efficient and modern water management technologies such as drip irrigation, can be combined with agricultural intensification. However, the experiments conducted so far call this assumption into question. Indeed, studies show increasing competition for water resources and the rapid expansion of groundwater use, leading to a significant drop in groundwater levels. This endangers the livelihoods of millions of rural people. In addition, the production of high-value crops relies on cheap and flexible labor, much of which is provided by women, who are generally poor, which restructures labor and property relations along hierarchies. existing between the sexes. In summary, current paths of agricultural intensification in India and Morocco appear both unsustainable and inequitable. Given these changes, the project aims to shed light on the social and ecological impacts of water-based agricultural growth models. It examines how contemporary processes of agricultural intensification in both countries are altering the (gendered) relations of agricultural production, particularly in relation to access to land and labour, focusing both on the relations between different people and those between people and water. To do this, it is first of all a question of examining in depth the different possible configurations of agriculture and water use and their respective dispositions in terms of gender in two regions confronted with agricultural dynamics. water-intensive (the Draa Valley in south-eastern Morocco, and the state of Maharashtra). The results obtained will then be used to produce a range of stories of change. By documenting how different rural actors creatively renegotiate the rules of the game for their own use, thereby reimagining agricultural identities and practices, we hope to diversify and pluralize imaginings of future pathways for agricultural development models, granting special attention to those that are durable and just. Furthermore, by developing teaching materials and providing on-the-job training to Moroccan Masters students, we wish to familiarize students with these rich heterogeneities and complexities of the field. Finally, our project aims to establish a South-South network of sustainable rural transformations with a particular focus on gender. Our purpose is to improve critical knowledge in order to identify and collectively mobilize support for alternatives to the currently dominant agricultural development models based on intensive water use. . Progress of the project and achievement of objectives: Objective 1: Strengthening of knowledge on the gendered impacts of water-based agricultural development models in the countries participating in the project and elsewhere. 1. Field visits and remote fieldwork After the relaxation of restrictive measures linked to the spread of the pandemic in 2021, we were able to carry out two field missions. We thus carried out a field mission in April 2021. During this stay, we addressed two main themes: The dynamics created by the production of watermelon in the extensions of the oases of the Draa Valley. We thus explored the following themes: i- the different categories of farmers practicing agriculture in the extensions, including foreign "Berranis" from different regions of Morocco, ii- the interest of young people in the cultivation of watermelons, iii- the economic and environmental impacts of watermelon (including a drop in the groundwater level), iv- the mobilization of local populations, on the initiative of young people, to deal with these impacts and prevent foreigners from settling in them. Role of women within the family farm: through this axis we have explored how roles and tasks are distributed within the farm as well as the decision-making process. Our preliminary results have shown how the place of the woman within the family farm is central since she is responsible for several tasks and activities, both domestic (meal preparation, cleaning, etc.) and agricultural (cutting the alfalfa, sorting dates, etc.). Following on from the field mission carried out in April, we have launched remote fieldwork: · A follow-up of the various rural actors contacted during the first fieldwork with semi-structured interviews. We have started a second series of telephone interviews with different rural actors. This allowed us to understand how they apprehend their future under COVID and what effects the drought has on their daily lives and on agriculture? These interviews showed that the drought had a greater impact on the inhabitants of the valley than the pandemic. Indeed, the drought meant that the palm tree, central element of the economy of the oasis, did not produce this year. Crops such as alfalfa and cereals have been abandoned due to lack of water among some farmers. · A gender and water survey of about twenty women in the oases of the Draa Valley. This survey allowed us to better understand the different possible configurations of agricultural exploitation, water use and the resulting gender arrangements, as well as their ecological and social impacts. In June 2021, we carried out another field mission. During this stay, we delved deeper into the changes that have affected gender relations and social roles in recent years. We conducted a total of 9 interviews, 7 with women and 2 with men in different oases of the valley. This allowed us to explore the different activities and aspirations of women and men and how they are affected by the various agrarian, social and water changes that have affected the valley for several years. Indeed, while young men engage or aspire to engage in agricultural projects or projects related to agriculture (installation of drip systems, solar pumping, etc.), young women engage in processing of agricultural products (dates for example) and crafts. 2. Organization and supervision of a collective internship in the Draa Valley During the week of November 14 to 20, 2021, we organized a collective internship for the benefit of students of the Master Institutions and Social Organizations of the FLSH faculty (Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences Ain Chock, Casablanca) in the Drâa Valley . The students organized themselves into five groups and carried out empirical work around the following themes: 1) the management of irrigation water, 2) the functioning of the family farm, 3) mobility and migration, 4) young people rural areas, work and aspirations and 5) political competition and electoral campaigning. During the last day of the internship, the students returned, in the form of role plays, their research results. 3. Visibility of the project through social media A facebook page dedicated to the project has been created:https://www.facebook.com/DUPC2 . It allows us to share our thoughts and raise public awareness around the various themes of the project and to communicate instantly around our various activities and publications. It also serves as a platform to interact with events organized by other organizations related to our project. Objective 2: Changing the political discourse around agricultural development pathways based on “stories of change” The discussion and analysis of the empirical data collected has been the subject of several scientific and popular publications as well as scientific communications at several conferences and workshops. Our research themes have thus interested various media who have contacted us to document the situation of oasis areas, particularly in relation to the issues of water use, drought and the impact of Covid on rural communities. . These articles receive positive echoes and allow public opinion to become aware of oasis issues. Our themes have also interested the scientific community and activists for social and ecological justice with whom we shared our results in a communication during a conference entitled "Ecological justice, social justice and green movements" organized by the Faculty of Arts and of Human Sciences, Cadi Ayyad University. Marrakesh. In addition, we are in the process of developing stories of change: three drawings (in the finalization phase) and 2 video clips (editing phase) that highlight different themes related to gender and gender-based agricultural development. intensive use of water. Objective 3: Strengthened knowledge capacity on gender and alternative modes of agricultural development models in the project countries and elsewhere During this year, there was a collaboration with a new Algerian team. Thanks to this new collaboration, fieldwork has been launched in Algeria. Thus, as part of the project, they carried out a three-week exploratory field, between March and April, in order to familiarize themselves with "gender" relations in terms of access to water and agricultural practices. The Moroccan team held regular meetings with the other project teams (Indian, Algerian and Dutch). During these meetings, the various members exchange their results in the field and together lead a reflection on gender and alternative models of agricultural development, hence the dissemination of knowledge on an international scale. Sharing of results and knowledge through two podcasts involving researchers from different countries and students working on water issues. These include: 1- Podcast and blog post on "Stories of impacts of Covid-19 on smallholder farmers and emerging new perspectives"https://thewaterchannel.tv/thewaterblog/the-women-the-land-and-the-virus/?fbclid=IwAR3mGVNpkQPXlu2I6_OfaS1ohCbyiMCrub4kL2VuRmXExwSK5U3YLZd_08c 2- The T2GS podcast on the theme: “Implications of Covid-19 for small-scale agriculture in Algeria, India and Morocco” 3- https://soundcloud.com/user-378471398/episode-2-implications-of-covid-19-for-small-scale-agriculture-in-algeria-india-and-morocco?utm_source=tpa.wixapps.net&utm_campaign =wtshare&utm_medium=widget&utm_content=https%253A%252F%252Fsoundcloud.com%252Fuser-378471398%252Fepisode-2-implications-of-covid-19-for-small-scale-agriculture-in-algeria-india-and -Morocco In an effort to popularize, the researchers led four sessions on the theme of the adaptation of oases to global warming for the benefit of students from the Anatole France college. Organization of an online session live from the field with farmers and sociology students from Hassan II University, Casablanca. The students had the opportunity to discuss and interview 2 young farmers engaged in the cultivation of watermelons. In total, the students asked 80 questions. The class was facilitated by Zakaria Kadiri during one of the field visits. Facilitation of training on gender for the benefit of the project team (https://massire.net/ ) around the theme of gender and agrarian dynamics.
- Ressources en ligne | Targa Aide
Library Available for download Activity report 2018-2019 2018-2019 To download Rural electrification of remote areas Ouneïne (High Atlas, Morocco) To download Support and Accompaniment Program for the realization of Communal Development Plans (PCD) Rural environment To download Integrated Development Program (IDP) 2009-2013 To download Conduct of a peasant extension program in an Oasis environment in the regions of Adrar, Assaba, Hodh Gharbi, Hodh Chakri and Tagant Islamic Republic of Mauritania To download Support for local initiatives in the sustainable management of natural resources Morocco, South Africa, Uganda, Ghana To download Targa for sustainable development 1984 - present To download Specific partnership agreement relating to support for the national program of forestry infrastructure and equipment in Morocco Last semester 2020 To download
- Actualités | Targa Aide
AT General Assembly 2023 The elective general meeting of the Targa-Aide Association will take place on Saturday July 15, 2023 at 10 a.m. at the association's headquarters located at 44 rue Amrou Bennaceur Azzamouri- Cité Lagarde Agdal- Rabat. THERE TASKIWIN The dance Tasikiwin, a martial dance from the High Atlas of Morocco, inscribed in 2017 on UNESCO's list of intangible cultural heritage, is currently broadcast in the pavilion of traditions at the Center des Lumiéres which takes place at La Saline Royale in Arc et Senans . Read more Program Development of Regional Schemes and a National Territorial Cooperation Scheme After the completion of the pilot phase, of the Program for the Development of Regional Schemes and a National Scheme for Territorial Cooperation, in the Souss-Massa region. Targa-Aide has begun launching activities in other regions of the Kingdom. These launch meetings take place at the level of the wilayas according to the following schedule: Rabat-Sale-Kenitra: 09/02/2023 Casablanca-Settat: 02/10/2023 Fez-Meknes: 02/14/2023 Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima: 02/17/2023 Marrakech-Safi: 02/21/2023 Beni Mellal-Khenifra: 02/23/2023 Eastern: 02/28/2023 Darâa Tafilalet: 09/03/2023 Guelmim-Oued Noun: 03/14/2023 Dakhla-Oued Eddahab: 09/05/2023 Laayoune-Sakia El Hamra: 05/11/2023 Program: Local Public Facilities This program is initiated by the Ministry of the Interior, through the General Directorate of Territorial Communities (DGCT), and carried out in partnership with the Targa-Aide Association, to take stock of the Local Public Facilities (EPL) located in the different regions of the Kingdom. Its objective is to constitute a database of local public facilities, equipped with a platform for periodic updating. The analysis of these EPLs will define the territorial imbalances and will propose strategic orientations for reinforcement which will make it possible to apprehend the EPLs, and facilitate their strategic planning. Program: Development of Regional Schemes and a National Territorial Cooperation Scheme This program is initiated by the Ministry of the Interior, through the General Directorate of Territorial Communities, in partnership with the World Bank and the French Development Agency (AFD), the Performance Improvement Support Program des Communes (PAPC) with the methodological support of the Paris Region Institute and the assistance of the Targa-Aide association. It will make it possible to promote the development of cooperation between local authorities, and first and foremost inter-municipal cooperation which is embodied in particular in the Establishments for Inter-municipal Cooperation (ECI) and the Groupings of Territorial Communities (GCT). The objective is to initially develop twelve projects for Regional Territorial Cooperation Schemes (one SRCT per Region). The SNCT will be approved by the Ministry of the Interior on the basis of these twelve projects, after adjustments intended to ensure complete consistency. This SNCT will define the relevant geographical and functional perimeters of the ECIs and GCTs to ensure the harmonious and orderly development of this cooperation. Specific partnership agreement relating to support for the national program of forestry infrastructure and equipment in Morocco The fourth quarter of 2020 was marked by another collaboration between the Ministry of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Water and Forests (Department of Water and Forests) and Targa-Aide. It is a framework agreement that covers several areas and consists of: Complete the establishment of the green belt around Ouarzazate; Provide support for the establishment of an inventory and a territorial diagnosis of forestry infrastructure and equipment and the constitution of a national database with an updated territorial division reference; Implement a pilot activity to improve the incomes of populations in ecologically fragile mountain areas by introducing fish farming aimed at both biodiversity conservation and the improvement of household living conditions and the integration of young people in economic life according to the principles of a social and solidarity economy. Containment and teleworking in Targa To respect the state of emergency decreed by the government and to shelter all the teams, Targa-aide began working from home on Monday March 16, 2020. The field surveys which were already launched before the confinement were tracked remotely by digitally collecting the remaining data. The IT tools put in place since 2018 have proven to be extremely efficient and perfectly suited to this mode of remote working. Face-to-face work has gradually resumed this week and will be, except for a few exceptions for whom maintaining telework is justified, generalized from June 10, the date scheduled for the lifting of confinement on a national scale. Program: Local Public Facilities This program is initiated by the Ministry of the Interior, through the General Directorate of Territorial Communities (DGCT), and carried out in partnership with the Targa-Aide Association, to take stock of the Local Public Facilities (EPL) located in the different regions of the Kingdom. Its objective is to constitute a database of local public facilities, equipped with a platform for periodic updating. The analysis of these EPLs will define the territorial imbalances and will propose strategic orientations for reinforcement which will make it possible to apprehend the EPLs, and facilitate their strategic planning. Program: Development of Regional Schemes and a National Territorial Cooperation Scheme This program is initiated by the Ministry of the Interior, through the General Directorate of Territorial Communities, in partnership with the World Bank and the French Development Agency (AFD), the Performance Improvement Support Program des Communes (PAPC) with the methodological support of the Paris Region Institute and the assistance of the Targa-Aide association. It will make it possible to promote the development of cooperation between local authorities, and first and foremost inter-municipal cooperation which is embodied in particular in the Establishments for Inter-municipal Cooperation (ECI) and the Groupings of Territorial Communities (GCT). The objective is to initially develop twelve projects for Regional Territorial Cooperation Schemes (one SRCT per Region). The SNCT will be approved by the Ministry of the Interior on the basis of these twelve projects, after adjustments intended to ensure complete consistency. This SNCT will define the relevant geographical and functional perimeters of the ECIs and GCTs to ensure the harmonious and orderly development of this cooperation. Specific partnership agreement relating to support for the national program of forestry infrastructure and equipment in Morocco The fourth quarter of 2020 was marked by another collaboration between the Ministry of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Water and Forests (Department of Water and Forests) and Targa-Aide. It is a framework agreement that covers several areas and consists of: Complete the establishment of the green belt around Ouarzazate; Provide support for the establishment of an inventory and a territorial diagnosis of forestry infrastructure and equipment and the constitution of a national database with an updated territorial division reference; Implement a pilot activity to improve the incomes of populations in ecologically fragile mountain areas by introducing fish farming aimed at both biodiversity conservation and the improvement of household living conditions and the integration of young people in economic life according to the principles of a social and solidarity economy. Containment and teleworking in Targa To respect the state of emergency decreed by the government and to shelter all the teams, Targa-aide began working from home on Monday March 16, 2020. The field surveys which were already launched before the confinement were tracked remotely by digitally collecting the remaining data. The IT tools put in place since 2018 have proven to be extremely efficient and perfectly suited to this mode of remote working. Face-to-face work has gradually resumed this week and will be, except for a few exceptions for whom maintaining telework is justified, generalized from June 10, the date scheduled for the lifting of confinement on a national scale. "The National Coordination of the National Initiative for Human Development - INDH" A general partnership framework between the National Coordination for Human Development (Ministry of the Interior) and the Targa-Aide Association has been set up. It is an agreement that provides support for the implementation of programs of the National Initiative for Human Development. It covers two central axes: Exchange of data in order to establish a social and territorial diagnosis with a view to the constitution of a multi-sectoral database; Support for the CN-INDH for the implementation and ownership of the PEDEL program initiated by the GIZ in the field of Social and Solidarity Economy in the provinces of Ouezzane, Figuig, Boulemane and Sidi Bennour._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ A new local of TARGA-Tangier In 2020, the real estate assets of the Targa-Aide association were extended with a new office space to install the "data management center" of the regional branch in Tangier. TARGA-Tangier is a team made up of about twenty employees divided into GIS engineers, BDD engineers and technicians.
- Contact | Targa Aide
Contact Thank you for your interest in Targa-Aide! For more information, please feel free to contact us. 44, rue Amrou Bennacer Azzamouri. City Lagarde - Agdal 10000 -Rabat - Morocco targaaide@targa-aide.org +212 (0) 537 68 17 05 +212 (0) 537 77 58 01 Send Thank you for what you sent !
- Accueil | Targa Aide | Targa Maroc
CAMPAGNE DE DONS S u ite au séisme qui a frappé notre pays, Targa-Aide a décidé de transformer tous ses bureaux régionaux en cellules de crise pour assurer la collecte et l'acheminement des dons afin de porter assistance aux zones sinistrées. Toute personne désirant contribuer à cette initiative peut prendre contact avec l'association aux coordonnées suivantes: Rabat: 05 37 68 17 05 Casablanca: Mme . Fatima Zahra CHARAF 06 62 84 04 71 Tanger: M. Abderrahim DAHMAN SAIDI: 06 66 17 54 57 Fès: M. Touhami BSALI : 06 66 17 55 83 Oujda: M. Khalil BOUJEDIANE: 06 62 28 04 59 Marrakech: M. Hassan Mouks: 06 66 94 64 43 Béni Mellal: M. Tarik BELRHABA: 06 62 27 64 56 Errachidia: M. Ismail BOUHAMIDI : 06 62 27 94 31 Agadir: M. El Mati EL OUERMASSI : 06 66 13 87 45 Guelmim: M. Said BOUMATA : 06 62 29 57 73 Pour toute pers onne qui souhaite participer financièrement: Veuillez remplir le formulaire ci-dessous pour faire une donation Prénom Nom E-mail Montant de la donation Envoyer Si vous rencontrez des difficultés à effetuer votre transfert, Merci de renseigner le code swift+ RIB.
- Projet d’appui au Programme National des | Targa-Aide
With the advent of the new forestry sector strategy "Forests of Morocco 2020-2030" launched by HM King Mohammed VI on February 13, 2020, aiming to make the forestry sector more competitive and sustainable, through an inclusive management model and creator of wealth aimed at placing user populations at the heart of forest management, in order to invest and modernize the core of the profession, in particular the modernization and redeployment of forestry equipment and infrastructure, a corollary of the mobilization of forestry personnel and an improvement in the effectiveness of forestry action, and Considering the pilot experiments carried out in close collaboration by the Department of Water and Forests and the Targa-Aide Association in close collaboration by the Department of Water and Forests and the Targa Association in the implementation of the project to create the green belt of Ouarzazate with the involvement of local actors, and in partnership with UNEP and the field of fish farming at the level of the municipality of Ouneine, province of Taroudant, an agreement partnership framework relating to support for the implementation of the "Forest of Morocco 2020-2030" strategy was signed on 22/10/2020 as well as a specific partnership agreement relating to support for the national program of infrastructure and forestry equipment in Morocco was signed on 01/15/2021. Objectives and expected results Overall objective: The overall objective of the agreement is to produce, in a participatory manner, the tools necessary for the successful development and implementation of the National Forestry Infrastructure and Equipment Program. b- Specific objectives and expected results : Specific objective n°1: The establishment of an inventory and a territorial diagnosis of forestry infrastructure and equipment; Result 1.1: Mapping of forestry infrastructure and equipment. Result 1.2: Participatory territorial diagnosis and inventory of forestry infrastructure and equipment. Specific objective n°2: Establishment of an updatable Geographic Information System of forestry infrastructure and equipment; The breakdown of specific objective No. 2 into expected results is formulated as follows: Result 2.1: Construction of a spatial database to help develop the national forest infrastructure and equipment program (2021-2030). Result 2.2: Establishment of cartographic atlases and inventories of forestry infrastructure and equipment. 2. Status of activities: 1) Institutional launch workshops The main objective of these workshops is to inform key stakeholders of the Department of Water and Forests about the objectives and expected results of the project in order to promote its ownership and implementation in the field. At central level: After the signature of the specific agreement, a first meeting to prepare the terms of the implementation of the project took place on 19/01/20221 at the headquarters of the Directorate of Forestry, Legal Affairs and Litigation (DDFAJC), in order to draw up a schedule of launch workshops for all the Regional Directorates for Water and Forests and the Fight Against Desertification (DRFLCD). These launch workshops were an opportunity to inform and raise the awareness of regional directors and local managers on the consistency of working in partnership and the purpose of the project, as well as to initiate them to start collecting and organizing data relating to : · boundaries of the forest estate (forest buildings); · shapefiles they have (Infrastructures and Forestry Equipment); · history of studies (forestry infrastructure and equipment). This is with the aim of completing the digitization of forestry infrastructure in forestry buildings, verifying the geolocation of forestry equipment and filling in the related diagnostic sheets (equipment and infrastructure questionnaire sheets). In order to ensure the monitoring and implementation of the project, a central project steering committee was formed during the meeting held on 23/02/2021 at the headquarters of the DDFAJC. It is made up of executives from different entities at the central level representing the DDFAJC and the Planning, Information System and Cooperation Department (DPSIC), as well as the Targa-Aide association. The mission of this committee is to provide the appropriate support for carrying out the missions and approving the deliverables. At regional level: The North West forest region was the first region started, as a pilot region, for the implementation of the project. The results emanating from this region have been examined and analyzed in order to take them into account and take into consideration all the improvements and adjustments to be made in the follow-up of the achievements for the rest of the regions. A program of workshops and field trips was drawn up on the basis of the availability of data made available to the DDFAJC by the DREF. These workshops aim to complete and validate the information and data received by the forestry managers of each Provincial Directorate of the North-West DREFLCD. During these workshops, a new updated alphanumeric database of forestry infrastructure and equipment was delivered by the Targa team to the forest managers concerned for completion and verification. A review of the questionnaire sheets for forest tracks and buildings was also carried out before they were entered by the Targa team. Following these workshops, a set of observations and recommendations were made to optimize subsequent visits to the field and to properly target the data to be collected from local managers. Among these recommendations are: The standardization of the shapefile projection system and the choice of WGS 84 for all data Exploitation of current IFDS data and capitalization on existing data The addition of data relating to collective land and state buildings The delivery of the national road shapefile by provincial forest division for validation of the deliverables Standardization of attribute tables and diagnostic sheets and revision of questionnaires. c - Data collection, analysis and processing: The methodology for producing the various products defined within the framework of this partnership was adopted during a series of meetings organized by the central committee. A precise procedural and technical sequencing has been established, as detailed in the document relating to the deliverables appended to the memorandum distributed on this subject. - A quality approach has been formalized to meet the needs expressed in terms of the completeness and precision of the data that will be provided. It was organized on the basis of: (i) the detailed analysis, by the teams of the Targa Association, of the existing and the geolocation in terms of alphanumeric data, their spatial adjustment and their complementation by comparison and digitization on google Earth imagery, ensuring a level of precision highly satisfactory; (ii) validation of the mapping thus finalized, by the various stages of the forest administration, consolidated by filling in the questionnaire sheets for each mapped entity, integrating certain parameters providing information on the quality and quantity of mapped forest roads and equipment. d - Development of deliverables: · Deliverables 1 and 2: A shapefile of forestry tracks and a shapefile of forestry equipment with associated attribute data: For the shapefiles of tracks and forest buildings, 10 BDDs have been made available to Targa by the central committee, of which 09 BDDs are analysed, adjusted and submitted for validation and finalization at the level of the 09 DREFLCDs concerned. These are the BDDs of the DRFLCDs of: 1. North West 2. Rabat-Sale-Zemmour-Zaer 3. Fes-Boulemane 4. Center 5. Oriental 6. rif 7. South West 8. Northeast 9. Middle Atlas There remains the database of the 10th DREF of Tadla-Azilal which is being processed and will be submitted for validation. The state of progress is evaluated at 84% for these two deliverables. There are still two forest regions (Haut -Atlas and the South) to be received from the DDFAJC, which can be finalized within 2 months from the date of their receipt. The questionnaires collected from all the forest regions represent an average rate of 34%. Indeed, only the first four DREFLCDs mentioned above were able to submit their questionnaires for input. This low rate is mainly explained by the delay due to the postponement of meetings for the recovery (case of the DREF of the center with more than two months of delay), and the quality of filling in the questionnaires by the forestry executives, in particular for the identification of forest tracks in the Targa national road network (case of the DREF of the RIF and the Centre), leading to several returns for rectification and completion at the regional level. The questionnaires of the other regions are being filled in by the forestry executives. · Deliverable 3: A shapefile of the national road network with standardized attribute table. The shapefile of the national road network of Targa is completely updated at the level of the ten administrative regions. There remains the additional digitization of the two administrative regions of Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra and Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab in the south, the equivalent of the southern region of forest cutting. The progress rate is around 84%. · Deliverable 4: A shapefile of basic socio-economic facilities at the national level with a standardized attribute table. Basic socio-economic equipment at the national level is updated and returned to the 9 regions started. The 10th BDD will be submitted during the meeting with the Tadla-Azilal Region which is underway. · Deliverable 5: An Atlas of forestry equipment and infrastructure in paper and digital format with developed indicators and ratios. The production of the Atlas of forestry equipment and infrastructure depends exclusively on the finalization and validation of the four previous deliverables. Once all the databases have been compiled and structured, the production of the maps will begin. 3 - Steps to come: Presentation soon of the cartographic data for validation and deposit of the questionnaires for information of the DRFLCD of Tadla-Azilal; 2 . Recovery of cartographic databases for digitization and geolocation of elements from the two remaining regions (the High Atlas and the South) in order to present them and validate them by forestry officials within two months from the dates of their recovery; 3 . Participate in the development of a typology and codification of roads and equipment foresters, for a better standardization of the database, a readjustment of needs, as well a consecration of the heritage value for certain buildings; 4 . Production of a cartographic Atlas in A3 format presenting the state of roads and other Forestry equipment, with analysis of the existing and recommended distinctions, for each of forest massifs, added by global maps by administrative region and by province.