Mission and Values
Targa's mission and values have been built gradually through different experiences. A true definition of this mission and these values was felt and formulated only late, after an accumulation of successful experiences and failures with the douars and landlocked populations.
Our mission
Targa's mission is to contribute to the establishment of a dynamic of sustainable development that aims to reduce socio-economic inequalities and consolidate a culture of participatory local democracy.
Why this assignment?
Part of the delays accumulated by Morocco in terms of human development has its origin in the isolation of the rural world. These delays have neutralized the impact of actions undertaken by the State and civil society and have led to the widening of social disparities between rural and urban areas, one of the main constraints to Morocco's development. Due to its socio-economic situation and its way of life still strongly marked by difficult living conditions and limited access to basic services, the rural world presents local differences and specificities from the point of view of socio-economic dynamics. and policies.
Faced with these constraints, the responses generally provided by the various development programs have proved to be inappropriate. The development of the rural world is, therefore, conditioned by the establishment of infrastructures allowing wide access of the populations to quality basic services but also and above all by conditions conducive to the consolidation of a culture of local participatory democracy. which is able to enable rural populations to participate in public life.
Faced with this observation, the State has - recently - realized the need to adopt an approach based on the notion of project; which requires the ability to carry out an overall diagnosis of complex situations, define strategic objectives, mobilize resources and implement monitoring and evaluation processes.
Thus, by supporting the State and local authorities in carrying out their programs, Targa aspires to contribute to the promotion - at the institutional and regulatory level - of an integrated public development policy. Targa brings its added value by contributing to building solutions, setting up mechanisms and new ways of managing local life involving a transformation of the functioning of institutions.
Our values
Criticism and self-criticism
These values are reflected in the ten-year strategic vision of the Association:
“TARGA, an interdisciplinary association, is a school of values and excellence at the service of development and innovation, faithful to a humanist and critical heritage”