This project to implement economic, social and solidarity activities in the provinces of Figuig, Boulmane, Ouezzane, Khenifra and Sidi Bennour is part of the implementation of the framework agreement signed on February 05, 2021 between the TARGA-AIDE association and the national coordination of the INDH. The purpose of this framework agreement is to support the Provincial Human Development Committees (CPDH) in these provinces for the implementation of Program III of the National Human Development Initiative (INDH). It is a question of supporting and accompanying the work of the Provincial Committee for Economic Development (CPDE) aimed at the economic inclusion of disadvantaged populations, particularly young people and women.
This approach is developed through the promotion of the Social and Solidarity Economy and support for value chains while being based on the implementation of approaches to promote the Economy and Local Development at the level of each target province. .
Project objectives
INDH Program III aims to guarantee post- and pre-creation support for project leaders meeting the eligibility criteria in connection with the previously identified and analyzed value chains.
The overall objective is to develop local economic activities with strong potential for growth and development and to contribute to the creation of employment opportunities for young people.
To achieve this overall objective, four specific / immediate objectives have been defined, these are:
Specific objective n°1: The improvement of the synergy and the convergence of the initiatives of the key actors of the economic development at the provincial level through the reinforcement of the dialogue and the communication, in particular with the local authorities of the INDH and the persons in charge sectoral;
Specific objective n°2: The promotion of promising value chains, through a strategic process based on expertise and the involvement of actors;
Specific objective n°3: The emergence of economically viable projects in response to the needs of project leaders and the specificities of the territory;
Specific objective n°4: Support for the implementation of SSE projects that have been selected and planned.
The expected results :
Deployment and training of the team.
Progress of activities in the provinces:
The activities carried out to date in the provinces of Boulemane, Sidi Bennour, Figuig, Ouezzane and Khénifra are as follows:
Program kick-off meetings in provincial headquarters and signing of specific implementation contracts;
Development of chronograms of activities relating to each province;
Meetings to follow up on the recommendations made during the launch workshop;
Realization of the field diagnosis which aims to identify income and job generating opportunities and which defines the framework conducive to the emergence of private initiatives in the productive sectors, namely agriculture, agro-food , forest products, crafts, tourism, etc.
Meeting with service providers and youth platform managers;
Field visit, identification and contact with project leaders;
CPDE meetings and identification of needs in terms of working tools and capacity building using a questionnaire designed specifically for this purpose;
Launch of sector diagnoses/VCT at the level of the circles, development of SSE questionnaires, visits to the circles, consultation with the departments concerned;
Submission of diagnostic deliverables of promising sectors and value chains to the Province.
The year 2021 is coming to an end, giving way to new perspectives, including the development of a roadmap for CPDE capacity building, but also a proposal for an action plan to promote SSE value chains (bottlenecks bottlenecks, objectives, flagship actions, monitoring indicators) and an advocacy strategy for carrying out the flagship actions for value chains. To do this, several field missions across the provinces will be devoted, among other things, to meeting SSE project leaders through the organization of focus groups for exchange and sharing around issues concerning their activities. Several capacity building trainings will also be organized from the beginning of January for members of the CPDE.